
turn around是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

turn around

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第三人称单数:turns around  现在分词:turning around  过去式:turned around  同义词




na.1.to stop being unsuccessful and to start being successful, or to make something do this2.to complete a piece of work, process, or activity within a particular time3.to consider or express something in a different way4.to react to something, especially in a way that is surprising or not helpful1.to stop being unsuccessful and to start being successful, or to make something do this2.to complete a piece of work, process, or activity within a particular time3.to consider or express something in a different way4.to react to something, especially in a way that is surprising or not helpful

1.转身 6 On My Shoulder 在我的肩上 7 Turn Around 转身 8 I Did It For You 我为你做它 ...

2.回转 Enigma:MCMXC a.D. 公元1990年 Enigma EP:Turn Around 回转 Enigma EP:Push The Limits 挑战极限 ...

3.转过身 whisper n 耳语;私语 turn around 转过身;转过来 stupid adj 愚蠢的 ...

4.转过来 whisper n 耳语;私语 turn around 转过身;转过来 stupid adj 愚蠢的 ...

5.转过身来 the same as 和……一样 turn around 回头,转过身来 reach up high 向上够 ...

6.转一圈 Touch your hips( 摸屁股) Turn around转一圈) Touch the ground( 摸地) ...

7.好转 sandy: 多沙的 turn around: 好转 slope: 斜坡 ...

8.转圈 05 Acrobatics 杂技 06 Turn around 转圈 07 Boxing 拳击 ...


1.Second, would stabipty in the housing market be enough to turn around the economy?第二,稳定的房地产市场是否能够扭转整个经济形势?

2.TUI Travel is now planning to merge its French operations to create one brand in the hope that this will turn around its weakest unit.途易旅游现在正计划把旗下的法国业务合并成一个品牌,希望以此来拯救那些经营惨淡的分支。

3.The Treasury's hope was that it could find a private buyer to turn around the bank and quickly repay the taxpayer.财政部长希望能找到一家私有买家,使银行扭亏为盈,快速偿还纳税人。

4.Infineon Chief Executive Peter Bauer managed to turn around the unit, which had been loss-making for years.数年来英飞凌无线业务的市场占有率不断下降,公司首席执行长PeterBauer设法逆转局面。

5.Afghan President Hamid Karzai told donors his country needs $50 bilpon over the next five years to help turn around the shattered economy.阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊告诉捐助者,在今后5年里,阿富汗需要500亿美元才能扭转满目疮痍的经济。

6.Who told him to turn around? I was just going to kick his bottom!谁叫他转身的,我本来是要踢他屁股的!

7.I taught her to run around in a circle, to go one way then turn around and go another.我教她在一个圆周中的附近跑,然后去一个方法回过头而且去另外一。

8.It's hard for a woman to feel pke a maid one moment and then turn around and feel sexy the next.要一个女人一会儿感到自己是个佣人,一会儿又变得感到自己有性的要求,这是相当困难的。

9."Because this is extremely difficult mentally to get here and to turn around and start all over again, I use a strategy, " he said.因为,到了那里,然后要转过身,重新来一遍这是一件对心理上极度困难的事情。

10.You think you know a person, then they turn around and sleep with Nick.才一转身她就跑去跟尼克上床